These Powerful Questions May Help You Discover Your Sexual Identity

These Powerful Questions May Help You Discover Your Sexual Identity

It seems that as tolerance and acceptance spread, more people feel ready to accept their authentic sexual identity. For years, many have lived their lives according to the dictates of social or cultural norms. While that remains true today, others are paving the way to normalize the reality that sexual identity does not define them. As a result, many can embrace their sexuality, enjoy a fulfilling relationship, and feel the love and acceptance they deserve. 

Social and cultural norms may interfere with your ability to genuinely express yourself sexually. For example, many religions discourage any sexual orientation other than heterosexual. As a result, it can be confusing and even troubling to feel differently. Navigating your way through the emotions that can come with discovering your sexual identity can be difficult and lonely. Yet, with the right support, your journey can have a beautiful outcome. 

These five steps may help you as you embark on the journey of discovering and owning your sexual identity. 

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Why Connecting with Your Sexual Identity Can Be So Hard?

Sexual identity and orientation can change over time. The way you feel right now may be different than what you felt a year ago. Likewise, a year from now, you may feel something different. This can be especially true through the teen years and into your early 20s. As the brain continues to develop, hormones are also flooding the body. 

Another reason it can be such a challenge is the fear of rejection. Due to your religious beliefs, your parent's point of view, or your social or cultural surroundings, the reaction to your identity may not be positive. As a result, some keep their feelings hidden deep within. Others struggle to accept their authentic self and live according to others' expectations. You deserve support so the road you're walking down doesn't feel so lonely. 

Finally, there's the challenge of not knowing how you feel. You may be wrestling with feelings and wonder what your sexual identity really is. 

Questions that May Help You Pinpoint Your Sexual Identity highlights a few exercises that may help you clarify what your heart and mind may be mixing up in regard to your sexual identity. 

  1. When you close your eyes and imagine yourself with a partner, do you see a specific gender? 
  2. Imagine photos you've seen of couples and families. When you see same-sex partners, does that feel different to you than, say, heterosexual couples? Do you feel drawn towards a specific type of couple? 
  3. Being told your feelings are bad, wrong, or unworthy can cause significant internal turmoil. If you could set that aside, would that change how you feel? In other words, are you conflicted due to your upbringing? 

Another idea to consider:

Are there specific influences that may be causing you to feel a certain way? For example, what you view on social media could impact how you view the world around you. 

Also, remember, any content that is sexual in nature, regardless of the orientation, can cause a reaction. Our brains are hard-wired to react to sexual content. So, suppose your body responds to what you see. In that case, it doesn't mean your sexual identity or orientation is necessarily one way or another. Likewise, if you do not respond, it doesn't necessarily mean you are asexual. 


You Don't Have to Walk the Path of Discovering Your Sexual Identity Alone.

Discussing sexual identity can be a rather complex topic. Likewise, it can be confusing and troubling when there is a conflict between your head and your heart. 

It can be extremely difficult to navigate through your thoughts and emotions alone. Thankfully, access to support groups, both in-person and online. At
Thrive Counseling Atlanta, we have the training and experience to offer you effective, productive support. We want to help you along this journey and help you find hope, happiness, and peace within. 

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The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.
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