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Healing Betrayal Trauma – How to Heal From a Partners Infidelity

DeVon Mills • Apr 19, 2022
How Do You Cope With Something Terrible Like Betrayal Trauma?

How often have you heard someone say, "My partner cheated on me, and I never got over it." Or perhaps you've said it yourself. Like many, you may be living life with betrayal trauma. Furthermore, it may surprise you to know just how common betrayal trauma is. 

Betrayal trauma develops after a person experiences a serious betrayal within a relationship of trust. This may include being betrayed by a close friend, romantic partner, or family member. In addition to emotional distress, betrayal trauma can cause depression and other mental health issues.

It's important to recognize that betrayal trauma may develop gradually over time. For example, it may be a few months before you recognize symptoms that are interfering with your life. Let's discuss ways to begin the healing process if you suspect you're suffering from betrayal trauma.

How Do You Cope With Something Terrible Like Betrayal Trauma?

How Do You Cope With Something Terrible Like Betrayal Trauma?

After a betrayal, you may feel like something is wrong with you? Perhaps, you feel "stuck" in life. Sound familiar? This may be an indication you're living with betrayal trauma.

Betrayal trauma is a condition that develops after one betrays another in a significant relationship of trust. The most common relationships where this occurs are between a parent and child or in romantic relationships. Examples of betrayal include abuse, severe neglect, or the discovery of infidelity or addiction.

Betrayal trauma may develop quickly or could take months to form. Among many symptoms, examples include:

  • sleeplessness
  • hyperarousal
  • emotional outbursts/inability to control your emotions
  • irritability
  • intense fear or anger
  • anxiety and depression
  • isolation
  • intrusive thoughts or images

Initially, you may be dealing with the shock of it all. If it's too much, you may slip into a sense of denial to cope with everyday life. Others experience a wide range of uncontrollable emotions that may include anger, fear, sadness, and grief. In some cases, without treatment, symptoms can last a lifetime. 

The way you're coping now may not be healthy. For example, do you find yourself eating your emotions? What about turning to substances to numb or quiet your feelings? Are you trying to control your environment in an attempt to prevent another blindside? Are you neglecting yourself and your needs?

How to Heal From Betrayal Trauma

How to Heal From Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal trauma therapists may recommend a variety of ways to help you heal. Many assignments are likely to encourage you to process your feelings and emotions. To help you heal, your counselor may recommend you keep a journal to write down your thoughts and express what you're feeling. Likewise, you may be encouraged to join a support group where you can meet with others in a similar situation. Gaining confidence in your ability to safely express yourself helps you begin to process your experience. 

Another great tool to help you heal from betrayal trauma is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present at the moment without judgment. Although it may be mistaken for meditation, it is different. For example, meditation involves quieting the mind and clearing your thoughts. On the contrary, mindfulness involves acknowledging your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings without attaching a meaning or a narrative to them.

There are other tools, such as setting boundaries to create safety. This may include areas of emotional, physical, or financial boundaries. Likewise, your therapist may help you begin to shift your thoughts to forward-thinking rather than back. In addition, you may focus on empowerment and gaining confidence in your abilities to move forward. 

The goal is to help you find healthy alternatives that help you recognize your inner strength and peace as you work to heal and recover. 

Finding Help for Betrayal Trauma

Finding Help for Betrayal Trauma

There are many who suffer from betrayal trauma indefinitely. You don't have to be one of them. By recognizing what you're experiencing as a form of trauma, you may realize you need more than time to pass in order to heal. 

At Thrive Counseling Atlanta, our therapists understand the complexities of betrayal trauma. Likewise, up-to-date training allows us to incorporate the best strategies to help you heal. Call today to make an appointment. 

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