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Should I Share My HIV+ Test Results With Other People?

Devon Mills • Mar 16, 2021

It's important to share your HIV+ status with your sex and needle-sharing partners. Whether you tell others is your decision, but should you? Choosing to disclose your HIV+ status to anyone puts you in a vulnerable situation. On the one hand, if they react positively, it may strengthen your relationships, especially as you rely on them for support. On the other hand, their response could leave you feeling alone as you process your diagnosis.

There's not a one-size-fits-all "How to Disclose I'm HIV+" pamphlet that you're handed with your diagnosis. Why? Because your situation is unique to you, and what may work for one may not work for another. As a result, the decision to talk about it and when will be part of your journey, although, you will need to inform sexual partners right away. Whatever you decide, and regardless of how people react to your HIV+ results, remember that you are stronger than you might think you are. 

This article will provide you with some thoughts to consider as you determine who to share your HIV+ status with. Our hope is to help you decide what is right for you. 

7 thoughts to consider as you determine who to share your HIV+ Test With

7 Thoughts to Consider as You Determine Who to Share Your HIV+ Test Result With

Trying to decide if you should tell people or, who to tell, can be difficult. At Thrive Counseling Atlanta, we offer resources that give you ideas on ways to tell your partners, family, co-workers, and friends. 

Below are a few recommendations to keep in mind as you contemplate discussing your HIV+ status with others:

  1. Take your time—there is no rush or urgency. Finding out you're facing a life-changing diagnosis can be a lot to process. So, allow yourself time to think things through. However, it will be important to try and avoid getting stuck with imagining the worst-case scenarios. 
  2. Remember that you're the same person you were before your HIV+ diagnosis. 
  3. There's always a good chance of follow-up questions. Many people, specifically family, will likely ask questions out of concern, fear, or simple curiosity. Be ready but don't forget—you never have to answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable. Practice saying aloud, "I'm not ready to talk about that at this time." 
  4. Everyone involved has their own emotional journey. As a result, it may help to be prepared to allow others to process your diagnosis, whatever that might look like. 
  5. Remain calm. Often, people react to other's energy. Therefore, the calmer you can remain, regardless of their reactions, the better. 
  6. Only disclose within a safe environment. Chose a location where your physical and personal well-being is protected.
  7. Disclosure is a personal choice. As such, no one can tell you if disclosing that you are HIV+ to others is right for you. Keep in mind; this does exclude sexual partners or those you share needles with.

Why it's critical to share your HIV+ test results with partners

Why It's Critical to Share Your HIV+ Test Results With Partners

Although it can be uncomfortable, it is critical to disclose your HIV+ status with your partners. Doing so is vital to their health. Likewise, your decision to withhold information could harm them both physically and emotionally. In fact, most states require you to disclose your diagnosis by law. For example, some states allow for criminal charges if you choose not to inform sex partners or anyone you would share needles with that you're HIV+. By informing others you potentially have with blood to blood contact with, you're doing your part to protect them. Likewise, together you're able to have a conversation to keep both of you healthy. 

Even if you use protection, you have an obligation to inform certain people that you are HIV+. We understand this can be very difficult to do. So, for ideas on how to start the conversation, you can visit the CDC's website "Start Talking. Stop HIV." 

Should I share my HIV test results with family?

Should I Share My HIV Test Results With Family

Only you can determine if disclosing you're HIV+ with your family is the right decision. However, if you decide to, it may help to practice the conversation before actually doing it. For example, practice can help you feel more confident or comfortable with your words. Likewise, rehearsing the discussion can help you process any unforeseen emotions you may have. 

You may be unsure about how to talk to your family, friends, or other people in your life. If so, feel free to contact us at Thrive Counseling Atlanta. We understand the challenges that come with an HIV+ diagnosis, and we may be able to help you process your thoughts and reservations. Likewise, we help clients who find themselves in similar situations work through their emotions. We may be able to help you too. Visit our website or call us today to learn more. 

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